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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Surprise Find at a Yard Sale!

1961 Grace Kelly Cover for American Weekly
1961 Grace Kelly

Talk about a find, and almost having non buyers remorse. I bought this beautiful print for a quick $3 at a Yard Sale this past weekend. I almost passed on this because I was being stubborn and didn't want to pay $5. And for those who know me, go ahead an crack up. I know I spend a lot more on a lot less.... but sometimes I am just stubborn (thanks to my Mom for working the deal out for me!) This will be a wonderful asset to my home once reframed and maximized to it's actual potential.

In my opinion Grace Kelly was the epitome of elegance and I believe this is translated in this cover. I had to share this nice surprise from a Yard Sale.

Go check out some of your local yard sales, you never know what you will run across!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Getting Ready for School!

Hello All!
Sorry for the delay in posting, I took a small vacation to the Smokey Mountains with my family. It was wonderful. So here is what I have dived into since being home. This is a report on the office I have been working on for a good friend of mine who just accepted a principal position at Hills Elementary. I am very excited for her, and I am excited to help get her office in top shape for the new school year. We still have some things to add, and a few pictures to get up on the wall, but this is great start! This is a prime example of how organization alone can transform a space. Take a peak!
Office Before
Office After
Office Before
Office After
Bathroom Before
Bathroom After

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Accessorize with Pillows!

Accessorizing with Pillows
One can really create any type of vibe you are going for in a room! Whether it is ambiance to soften, or to add punch and brighten; pillows are an inexpensive accent that can work wonders for a room!

Please share pictures where you have used pillows to spruce up a room, or even unusual pillows that you have that you would like to share......

I look forward to seeing some great and fun stuff!
