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Monday, June 11, 2012

What is with this little blue box?

The unmistakeable Tiffany Blue Box. For us women and maybe even some men, we swoon over what could be inside! But you know one thing before you even open the box; that you are getting what is considered this best no matter what is inside. For me this color has been inspiring for some projects as well as some products for the store. I keep sending my best friend, Jamie (who adores all things Tiffany) little things to keep her pocket book empty. I am like hey look at this bracelet you need this, or this scarf would look amazing on your new Italian Handbag! She might de-friend me if I keep it up! We have also been adding this color here and there around her home. You should definitely be surrounded by the things you love, or that you are drawn to, or creates the mood you want to evoke in a room.

This color is actually pretty inspiring for you home or your wardrobe! This color is popping up everywhere around me, in vintage items, in a powder room remodel, and in handbags! (Stay tuned for the powder room remodel! We are giving this little room some sass and class) The point is, it is amazing how a distinctive color can transcend so many things, luxury in this case, along with class, as well as quality, or even your emotion.
For your wardrobe it can be a pop of color that brightens your day along with everyone else's! And for your home, mixed with silvers and golds (yes you can mix metals) with black an white photography prints, or even a more bold abstract art can make a statement. Even as something small like a vase can add that little pop your room might be missing. And I must say that Tiffany catalogs I keep receiving in the mail definitely has kept this color in my creative process.

So what color do you love? What is missing in your home or wardrobe? It could be this nice Tiffany Blue..

This Italian Leather Handbag as well as the Vintage Tiffany & Co. Key Ring are available on my online store. 

For paint, if you have a Tiffany Box, or Catalog, you can take it to your local Home Depot or Sherman Williams and they can scan/match the color for you. 

Let's Shop and Decorate Squatty Wing Members!