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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Surprise Find at a Yard Sale!

1961 Grace Kelly Cover for American Weekly
1961 Grace Kelly

Talk about a find, and almost having non buyers remorse. I bought this beautiful print for a quick $3 at a Yard Sale this past weekend. I almost passed on this because I was being stubborn and didn't want to pay $5. And for those who know me, go ahead an crack up. I know I spend a lot more on a lot less.... but sometimes I am just stubborn (thanks to my Mom for working the deal out for me!) This will be a wonderful asset to my home once reframed and maximized to it's actual potential.

In my opinion Grace Kelly was the epitome of elegance and I believe this is translated in this cover. I had to share this nice surprise from a Yard Sale.

Go check out some of your local yard sales, you never know what you will run across!

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