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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Windows are IN and the Sheetrock is up!

It's a Miracle, we aren't freezing anymore!
Most of you are probably thinking, this lady should be decorating for Christmas, and while I would agree, we are just not ready yet! Now that the windows are in, and the sheetrock is up we are nearing close. Once the sheetrock is finished, I can begin to clean the major dust that has accumulated throughout the house, and start pulling the decorations out. Which I hope will be this weekend! Because I literally will have one week before my party! Talk about the all time crunch! The good news is, we pick up our fridge tomorrow and the cabinets come on Thursday. The bad news is, that today I decided the tile flooring I picked out, really isn't going to be the best choice, I found another that I really like, but it is special order! So it will definitely be the last thing we put in, but I would rather have what I really want than to settle and be disappointed down the road. Everyone says you should not put Marble in the Kitchen, while I did pass on putting it on the countertops, I am not passing on the flooring! I am girl that knows what she loves and if that means going against the grain, than here I am going with no return! : ) I hope that you are enjoying the journey, because believe me it has been stressful, but it will be so worth it in the end!

Please check out my facebook page for more up to date information on what else I am up to!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Joys of remodeling!

As you can see in the picture above we are currently without windows. There is a few reasons for that..1) we purchased windows and currently have them, but when we removed the old ones, we discovered they were not the correct size from the original build 2) the windows were already out and dismantled, and we have ordered another set to fit but they will not be here till Friday.
So yesterday they created plastic windows to protect the kitchen from the rain, fabulous I know! I am sure my neighbors are thrilled (ha)!
The beauty is at 5 am this morning I woke up abruptly to realize that I had left my indoor plant out back and it is snowing. I go down stairs to recover it and find that my lovely clear plastic windows have been blown out. Just to remind you it is snowing out and my downstairs temperature is the same as the outside! So what do I do.... Yell up to my honey who is fast asleep, "Beau?" "we have a problem" on my second "Beau?" I get a response in a lovely grizzly bear tone, "I will be there in a minute."
The JOYS of remodeling! :- |