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Friday, January 7, 2011

Hey, Where did 2010 go?

Hello fellow Squatty Wing Members! I know it has been a while since my last post, but I have been really busy with my kitchen renovation, and of course the holidays! I hope everyone's were spectacular, mine were wonderful, nothing like good food, and wonderful time with family and friends.  I have been doing a lot of my posting from Facebook these days. I encourage you to drop by there to see my latest updates and project pictures. I have a lot of goals this year with the business, I hope that you all stay tuned and ride the roller coaster with me on my journey!

So what is new with my kitchen?
Well we took a break over the holidays to actually enjoy them rather than work. And the first week back, my husband has been pretty busy with his business Precision Specialties. So I am hoping when he returns home from his trip in Arizona on Sunday, we can start where we left off, and get that little kitchen cookin!

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